Threaded Fasteners Tighten Up: Rondo needs to appreciate NBA accommodations

Threaded Fasteners Tighten Up

The NBA is about ready to return to play at Disney.

It’s certainly not ideal to have the players quarantined for up to three months while playing games in mostly empty, make-shift arenas.

But nothing is ideal as the country deals with COVID-19.

We’re all trying to get through this together.

Well, not all of us. Los Angeles Laker Rajon Rondo has decided to act like a privileged person who is completely out of touch.

Upon seeing his $400 a night accommodations in Orlando, Rondo tweeted a photo of the room with the message “Motel 6 huh NBA?”

Not exactly. I found a Motel 6 in Kissimmee for $45. In Winter Park the going rate is $65.

So, no it’s not a Motel 6.

Where Rondo and his teammates are staying is actually a very nice resort hotel. Rondo needs to Tighten Up and realize that most of the rest of the country would love to have the opportunity to be visiting that very location and staying in that very room.

For Threaded Fasteners I’m Randy Kennedy with Tighten Up.

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